
This imprint was last updated on 8 april 2024.

The owner of this website is:

2-evolve bv bv
Sleedoornlaan 8
1780 Wemmel
Phone number: +32 477 49 66 78
VAT ID: BE0728811478

The legal representative(s) of 2-evolve bv bv:

Tessa Lagey en/of Inez Senecaut

1. General

1.1 We are registered at Brussel under the license or registration number:

Handelsregisternr: 01 NL 014.655

1.2 We display services or products on our website, which require registration with the following professional association:

VDAB Loopbaanerkenning

1.3 The following Professional Rules and Regulations apply to our organization:


You can access these rules and regulations here:

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.